How to Whiten Skin Using Scrub Quickly

If you want to have a smooth skin and shining maybe you need to look at how good your kitchen, discover new traditional materials useful for making traditional scrubs that can be used to soften and whiten the whites naturally.

How to whiten the skin using scrubsHow will whiten the skin using a scrub you also do not be surprised if the traditional scrubs can be just as good as the scrubs on the market. Even this scrub you can get do not need to spend the money is so high. You can make yourself at home scrub using natural ingredients and traditional can easily find around you even in your kitchen supplies there too. For example, materials such as sugar, coconut oil, and blueberries.You need to do your facial skin care at home with traditional scrubs to get the skin softer, smoother and whiter than before.Traditional scrubs make skin white ancestors of antiquity, actually own concoction using natural ingredients for skin whitening. If you want to whiten the skin with a safe and inexpensive, you can use how to make traditional scrubs to whiten the face. The traditional scrubs use natural ingredients so it is safe and produces natural results.How To Make Traditional Body Scrub For Skin LighteningBelow is how to make traditional scrubs are often used to whiten skin naturally, among others:

1. How to Make a scrub of rice

 Rice is no stranger to be used as an alternative to whiten skin naturally. Rice contains squalane oil, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Rice is the most effective for skin whitening is a Japanese rice. The rice has a higher vitamin content so it is more effective than local rice. However, that does not mean you can not use local rice for local rice also can use.To make a scrub of rice, prepare rice which will be made into a scrub suit the tastes. Afterwards, wash and soak rice. Puree rice by way of smooth rice pounded and mixed with rose water. Shape the dough into a round into small pieces and dried in the sun to dry. After drying, you can take some seeds and mix it with water until a paste for use on the face. Spread evenly on the face and let stand until dry, or about 30 minutes. After that, rinse with clean water. Do this on a regular basis to obtain maximum results.

2. How to Make Body Scrub from Bengkoang

 Bengkoang is one of the fruits of the most widely used for skin whitening products. With existing content in the fruit bengkoang can brighten the skin naturally. If you want to whiten the skin with yam, you can make it yourself at home.How, to prepare 1 piece of yam peeled clean skin. Then wash thoroughly and grated yam in accordance with the amount you need. After that, apply the results of grated yam in the face evenly. Let stand about 40 minutes and rinse thoroughly. 

With natural ingredients and of course safe, traditional scrubs can be used to whiten and brighten the face and as a natural alternative to brighten and whiten the face. Admittedly, this natural way takes time so do not immediately see the results, it takes a long process to brighten the face. But the advantages, in terms of security, it is guaranteed traditional herbal scrub whitening product compared with many industrial products on the market today. The choice is yourself.

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