to remove the stripes on the face naturally - you have streaks on the
face is certainly very disturbing because with a different color on your
face makes you no longer confident especially when you are going out of
the house or being wish to campus really makes you be have a big problem on your appearance.
There are many factors that caused streaks on the skin such as sun exposure is the UV rays of his more dangerous if it attacks your skin, there is also caused due to wear headscarves that are too tight, because of the pressure on the skin it will leave such scars that make striped in your face.
If you are ready to eliminate streaks on your skin can follow a few tips we can give the already relatively simple so easy to follow for beginners follows to remove streaks in the skin quickly.
5 Ways to Eliminate Belang in Face
Face masks, first you have to do is to create a mask using herbal ingredients enough with 3 kinds of saa ie with honey, virgin olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, to how pembuatanya also quite simple once. The trick: Mix the three ingredients above, and mix until it resembles a thick cream. If it had been thickened and lightly browned, then evenly apply on your face. Let stand for 30 minutes. Then wash with cold water. Perform routine.
Honey and whole milk, for then you can eliminate the streaks on the skin using honey as well milk because milk can also whiten your skin striped so well suited to treat it. How: Please mix the two materials are appropriate or necessary measure, namely honey with orignal milk, stirring until thickened. If so, apply on your face that are striped, or better apply evenly all over the face. Let stand for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water until completely clean
Honey and wheat, for then you can use honey as well gandunm which can eliminate streaks on your skin, how easy once just by mixing it only with the grain, so you are easier and certainly more simple to save time. How: Please mix all the above ingredients, then add a little boiled water. Mix well and become soggy dough. Apply on your face (previously used to clean your face). Wait a while until they become hard approximately 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Masks of fruits, well, if you like the fruit you should take advantage of as well as a mask as a nice avocado can also guava because it can also remove streaks in your skin quickly because it will also add beauty and make your skin smooth.
Herb mask cucumber, cucumber can also disguise stripes on the face of tablets you do not tell us, in addition to the health of cucumber body is also very good if used to eliminate black lines are usually at the bottom of your eyes only need to prepare one piece timub's all nothing more.